Writing at Saint Anne's
Subject Leader Miss P Winterburn
Through our writing curriculum, at St Anne’s, we will do our best to enable children to become great writers, be able to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others. Our aim is to inspire a love of writing through exposure to exciting, stimulating texts, resources and visual literacy that ensure the progressive development of knowledge and skills and an appreciation of our rich and varied language heritage.
We are determined that every pupil can access carefully chosen quality texts and develop a love of reading.
We ensure that carefully crafted sequences of learning give meaning and purpose to children’s work. Through our skilled teaching of reading, we develop skills in retrieval, inference and the development of vocabulary for reading and writing. The school has clear expectations of how reading is used to support writing to give all children, regardless of their background, needs or abilities a voice when writing. We ensure that there is an appropriate balance of fiction, non-fiction and poetry so that children are exposed to a wide range of the different genres of writing.
- The writing programme of study at St Anne’s follows the National Curriculum to ensure both progression and coverage across Key Stage 1 and 2
- The 5 phase sequence that we teach provides for continuity and progression matched closely to ARE and GD to enable children to demonstrate progress using authentic writing opportunities
- High-quality texts are used to immerse pupils in rich vocabulary and effective writing structures
- These texts are supported by a consistent approach to teaching grammar to inspire pupils to make ambitious choices in their own writing
- Comprehension, text structure and grammar are taught in context
- Short burst writing occurs regularly enabling personal responses to texts
- Teachers give pupils sufficient practice in reading comprehension
- All pupils make sufficient progress to meet or exceed age-related expectations
- Pupils are familiar with, can talk about, and enjoy responding to a wide range of stories, poems and non-fiction
- Pupils are interested in their learning and demonstrate positive attitudes
- Children take pride in producing work of high quality which is presented neatly