St Anne's Catholic Primary School

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St Anne's Catholic Primary School

a Voluntary Academy



St Anne’s Catholic Primary School is a fully inclusive, mainstream Primary School, who ensures that all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum (regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs). We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities.  We have the same high expectations for our educational aims for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, as we do for all children in school. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please do not hesitate to contact me.

T Cook

Contact: (01535) 210600 or

At Saint Anne's we aim to:

  • To provide a safe, caring and secure environment in which all children can be successful
  • To provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to the individual’s needs and ability to ensure the best possible progress for all pupils
  • To demonstrate our commitment to equality by endeavoring to include all children in all activities, providing them with the opportunity to fulfil their full potential
  • To liaise with families, children and other appropriate services to ensure the differing needs of children and their families are met
  • We recognise that all pupils are entitled to a quality of provision that will enable them to achieve their potential. We believe in positive intervention, removing barriers to learning, raising expectations and levels of achievement and working in partnership with other agencies in order to provide a positive educational experience for all our pupils including those with a special educational need or disability
  • Our school recognises there are particular groups of pupils whose circumstances require additional consideration by those who work with them to support their SEN



  • We are committed to improving the outcomes for all pupils including those with SEND
  • Quality First teaching with inclusive approaches is at the heart of this
  • We hold high aspirations for all our pupils
  • Pupil voice & parental involvement is central to our practice
  • Staff attend training which is then fed back to the rest of team e.g. Autism, ELklan, CSP training.
  • We provide a curriculum that offers a combination of entitlement and choice
  • We can develop flexible learning pathways for pupils
  • We believe in giving the children a wide range of experiences inside and out of school
  • We believe that children learn first hand


Ensuring our SEND children Achieve

  • Information on the progress and attainment of individuals with SEND is rigorously monitored by the SENCO, the Class Teachers and the SLT through pupil progress meetings, learning walks, and assessment cycles.
  • Measures of wider outcomes are vital for all pupils and especially those learners with SEND.  These include levels of confidence, self-esteem, attendance, participation in outside activities, social confidence

  The school's SENCO carries out SEND learning walks; 

  • TAs are observed delivering interventions/catch-up sessions; 
  • TAs monitor and record their support work in their intervention folders – there is no requirement for a set intervention file as the levels of need and varying interventions needed range;
  • The SENCO monitors, half termly, the SEND folders within each class;
  • Class teachers and TAs complete and analyse progress on interventions using ‘Bsquared’. ‘Bsquared’ is updated constantly as staff work with the children on the targets. This allows progress being made for those working lower than their current academic age phase to be seen and where needed allows teachers to see where progress sufficient progress is not being made so that this can be addressed; 
  • Audits are carried out as part of the monitoring cycle– a selection of books from pupils with differing abilities are chosen and scrutinised looking at differentiation of tasks, support given during sessions, level of challenge within sessions and progress being made. This shows evidence of individual progress as well as moderating levels and acts as a comparator between the levels;
  • Assessments are completed every term (to allow distance from learning) in reading, writing, maths, SPAG and common exception words.  These are analysed to provide clear targets for all pupils;
  • Parents are consulted through annual reviews where progress and targets are set for the next year.  


Identification & Assessment of SEND

  • At St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School and nursery we promote early identification of need – Assess, Plan, Do, Review.
  • This is done through pupil progression meetings every term at which the Headteacher and the SENCO attend.
  • English, Maths and RE leaders as well as the SENCO keep a check on whole school data to ensure all pupils make optimum progress. 
  • Teachers are responsible for delivering high quality teaching that addresses pupils’ needs.  However, where a concern for a pupil’s learning, communication, social and emotional or sensory needs are becoming apparent teachers involve parents from the outset and ensure that they are fully involved in understanding their child’s needs.  In this way they are able to participate in supporting their child’s learning and planning how to help them achieve the desirable outcomes.  
  • We operate a graduated approach to identifying SEND. If a class teachers has an ongoing concern for a pupil they will bring them to the attention of the SENCO.
  • We follow the guidance within the Code of Practice, promoted by Bradford Council, for putting pupils on the SEND register – additional and different provision, identified and diagnosed need, long term SEN, progress well below age expected.
  • Pupils’ who have been identified as having a long term, significant SEND will be referred to outside agencies. These include EP, SALT, TAHMS, CAHMS, OT, Behaviour Support, Physiotherapy, School Nurse.
  • A request for a statutory assessment may be made to the Local Authority for such pupils.


We recognise that there are many points of transition for all pupils which need to be managed carefully. Pupils with SEND will often need additional and different support to manage these.

  • Children new to school – parents meet with the teacher and SENCO if appropriate.  Information is sought from any previous school and nursery.  Reception teacher and SENCO (as appropriate) visit settings. Transition between classes in school is planned for and personalised according to need.
  • Transition to secondary schools is done by the SENCo getting in contact with the SENCo in the high school. Should the child and family need additional support with transition then the SENCo organises meetings where all stakeholders in the child’s education can attend and discuss support needed to help the children meet and exceed their potential.
  • Enhanced transition planning and programmes of transition are put in place for those pupils who need it.  This may include additional visits particularly at phase transfer, additional meetings with parents, particular notice taken of pupils voice 

SEND Policy

SEND Local Offer

SEND Information Report