St Anne's Catholic Primary School

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St Anne's Catholic Primary School

a Voluntary Academy

Admissions Consultation


Completed: Proposed Change to Admissions Arrangements - 2020/21

The Governors of St. Anne's Catholic Primary School would like to give notice of changes to the schools Admission Policy for the 2020-2021 academic year.

The draft policy for consultation can be viewed on the link below or a copy is available, on request, from the school.: 


St Anne's Catholic Primary School Proposed Admissions Policy 2020/21

Supplementary Information Form


This change requires a six week consultation period, in line with the Admissions Code of Practice.  The consultation period is from Friday 07th December 2018 until Friday 18th January 2019.

Any comments regarding this policy must be returned by Friday 18th January 2019 and addressed to:

Mr. C Robson, The Chair of Trust Intervention Board, St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School, North Street, Keighley BD21 3AD

or by email to:





Completed - Proposed Change to Admissions Arrangements - 2016/17

Final Admissions Policy 2016/17

 The Governors of St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Academy are consulting on proposed changes to their admissions arrangements.

 The proposed changes would take effect from the beginning of the academic year 2016. The changes to the policy are:

  •  An amendment from sub-categories (e.g. 1a, 1b) to individual categories. Previous sub-categories are now individual categories.
  • The removal of Catechumens as an oversubscription criteria

  • The removal of a category for Children of Catholic Parents

  • Changes to provide more detailed information in relation to parent’s responsibility to provide evidence if they feel they should be ranked in a specific category.

  • An addition to inform parents of the date they will be notified of the outcome of their application

  • An addition for the handling of late applications

  • Changes to the handling of waiting lists, whereby each time a child is added the list will be re-ranked.

  • Changes to the application for pupils with a Statement of Educational Needs

 The aim of these changes are to bring the school in line with the Diocese of Leeds’ recommended admissions policy and ensure that the arrangements continue to be appropriate and that they comply with all the relevant requirements.

The proposed admissions policy can be viewed here: St Anne's Catholic Primary School Admissions Policy 2015/16

Consultation Letter

Supplementary Information Form


 The consultation will run from 12th December 2014 to 1st March 2015. If you wish to comment on the proposed changes please contact:

Mr C Wood

St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Academy

North Street


BD21 3AD


Completed - Proposed Change to Admissions Arrangements - 2015/16

The Governors of St Anne’s Catholic Primary School are consulting on proposed changes to their admissions arrangements.

The proposed changes would take effect from the beginning of the academic year 2015 to 2016 and reduce the categories on the admissions policy from 7 to 5. The 2 categories being removed are:

Category 4: “Children of Catholic Parents”


Category 7: “Children of other Christian denominations whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school and whose application is supported in writing by a minister of religion or an appropriate religious leader”

These aim of these changes are to bring the school in line with the Diocese of Leeds’ recommended admissions policy and ensure that the arrangements continue to be appropriate and that they comply with all the relevant requirements.

The proposed admissions policy can be viewed here: St Anne's Catholic Primary School Admissions Policy 2015/16

The consultation will run from 18h December 2013 to 28th February 2014. If you wish to comment on the proposed changes please contact:

Mr C Wood

St Anne’s Catholic Primary School

North Street


BD21 3AD